Thursday, March 3, 2011

Erotisk hverdag

Har krampe i magen, kom inn pa 3 aret, men pa feil skole (...) og skriver en stil for U.S history om revolusjonerende kvinner i Amerika. Har du lagt merke til at de ofte er litt anti klimatiske? Ta den afro amerikanske damen som satt foran i bussen fordi hun var for sliten til a ga bak, derfor ble det et stort oppstyr om at svarte burde ha lov til a sitte fram i bussen. Revolusjonerende, men veldig... kjedelig.

En kamerat har om en dame som dode av kholera (staaaving...) etter a ha vart i haren under WW1 som mann i flere ar. Kult egentlig.

Jeg har om Dorothy Dandridge. Forste Afro Amerikanske som ble utvalgt som akademisk skuespiller pris. Ikke sa VELDIG tuft, men mer enn jeg noengang har utrettet.
Er egentlig ferdig med stilen, sa jeg sitter egentlig bare pa andre blogger (INTERIOR BLOGG, faktisk.), og mens tarmene danser tanga.
Vart akkurat nokka oppstyr fordi ei  type som ikke kan beskrives med ord (egentlig) kalte en anna type en ape og "The N-word".

- Loulose

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

The start of a series of unfortunate events.
I am not sure if it is considered smart for me to be writing when I am so emotional unstable, but when will it ever be the right time for me to write then? It’s not like it takes a lot for me before I crawl back into my shell.

My mum said I had a hard time growing up. I would disagree, I think she just says that because my dad was so much present in my life, and she just wants to get him on my bad side. I think I’ve mentally blocked my past, so this is kind of a hard task for me, but I am sure that the only reply I would receive will be “suck it up, foreigner.”
I was born on Norway’s Independence Day. It is a tradition to wear super hot dresses called “bunad” and marched for several hours before we usually drink, eat and play games.
During a march, there is bands playing, the newly graduated students going around and throwing cards with dirty jokes on them and shoot coca cola at innocent by passers with water guns.
Most of the time, the governor is in front of the march. When I was young, I usually ran up to him and told him I had my birthday, and therefore, I was usually in the lead with him.

In the middle of the march, there was a sudden stop. Guess why. My mum was going through labor.

I remember during my confirmation party that my mum said she had everything under control when her water broke. My uncle asked why she then didn’t finish the whole march.
I do not think my dad was there, my brother and sister was 6 and 7 years older than me. They probably managed to get the situation perfectly. Probably a disappointment to my sister since she always wanted to be an only child.
I was a quick delivery; it came fast, and it went fast, and they left with yet another family member.
They called me Katrine Louise. I was named after the redhead from Thelma and Louise, and toilet paper. Apparently my mum had to do her business, and figured the name written all over the toilet paper “katrin” was a beautiful name.

That was the start of my ridiculously self-hysterical life.

- Loulose

Monday, February 28, 2011

So, I've been sitting on different kind of gossip pages, watching the top 10 worst dressed and you're cut off on television.

Æ har tenkt å skippe play practice i dæg, æ e lat. Skrevet med dialekt for selv retard google translate kan ikke oversett det. Ellers, masse lekser.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

To be, or not to be puuuurdy

I am eating chicken wings and drinking a weird kind of sierra mist with the family. Life is great!

Over to the mainsubject, and some parts will be in norwegian because I feel like i am expressing myself more correctly that way.

I think all my friends are beautiful. You probably think that is tacky, and that is good! That means more people do it.
I have many definitions on what I think is pretty. I think it's two very different things (to me) to be pretty, and attractive. No, attractive to me does not mean that I want something from them or anything like that, so please don't drop to the conclusion that I'm gay or bisexual. Or you an, each time I deny the fact that I am gay, it makes me feel like I am offending gay people.
Example in the man's world: Johnny depp is pretty, but I find that Robert Pattison guy attractive (in the harry potter movies. He looks like the faces of crystal meth in Twilight.)
Girls world: Shakira is pretty, but Natalia vodianova is GORGEOUS /attractive.

Im not sure if I go anywhere with this. But right now, I feel pretty. Just a conclusion I dropped to a couple of minutes ago. And it is wonderful. I decided to celebrate with selfabsorbed pictures. Hooray!

Erotic Everyday

I'm actually gonna write this is english. I'll regret it later, but the only two I know who read this is americans, so, yes. This has been a long weekend. I read somewhere that if you sit more than 6 hours a day on your butt, the chances of you dying earlier rises with 37 %. Then again, I always wanted to die at 60. - Which I will probably change once my strange life get somewhat of a direction.

I've been with my dear friend Hanna, hoping that she enjoyed my company. I know I did. Pfft.
I just got home with the Ringei-feisen (name changed in order to protect... myself.) It was cozy, yes.

Over to the emotional part that I strictly should keep to myself, but I have no sense of privacy. I feel slightly secluded from my senior class; they are like brothers and sisters while I am this strange little fellow (who have the tendancy to babble.)who suddenly infiltrate their life.

Nothing more interesting. Cheerleading is over. I am sad.

- Loulose

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Falt tilbake noen år...

Emo picture, coming right up.

Hvordan finner man en balanse mellom hva som er kult, hva som er deg, og hva andre vil ha fra deg. Jeg vet det ligger i underbevisstheten min; at jeg vil være perfekt for absolutt alle. Og jeg er helt sikker på at du tenker at det opplever vel og mange hele tiden, og jeg sier ihvertfall ikke at min sak er unik. Den er faktisk selvabsorbert og hysterisk.
Problemet er at jeg aldri ville forestilt meg å bli en slik person. I 8. klasse gikk jeg i svarte klær, choker og lilla hår (hold kjeft.), jeg gikk i fetisj skole antrekk på skolen, jeg la ut bilder hvor jeg viste fåkkefinger'n. Er jeg spesielt stolt? Hva trur du.

Så hvordan, 2 år senere, er jeg blitt denne selvabsorberte, selvsentrerte, idioten av en oppmerksomhets krevende drittunge har jeg utviklet til å bli? Det var da ikke det her jeg gikk ut for?
Dette er IHVERTFALL ikke hva jeg syns er kult!

Jeg kan vel innrømme at i dag, hvor det ble nevnt "Du liker jo ingen!" av ei venn av ei... "venn." Pfft. Dramatisk.
Eg trenger mennesker som syns det er sokratisk kult å være negativ. Eller nei? NEI! jeg vil ikke ha det! Jeg vet egentlig ikke HVA jeg vil ha?
Jeg vil være bekymringsfri.
Men alle disse tingene hagler ned p meg. At jeg er over emosjonell, tulling, kødd, frekk, snobb, drittunge, meg, meg,meg, selvsentrert, rar. Det føler som jeg skuffer folk når jeg hører tilbakemeldingene deres.

Er som om jeg er en mongo tatt-bilde-av og lagt ut på deviantart med copyright på, som om noen GADD å stjele den, og alle syns det er merkelig at jeg engang er der.
Dette har ingen konklusjon.
Jeg vil vite hva andre vil ha av meg, jeg prøver så hardt jeg kan. Jeg vil også vite hva jeg vil ha av meg.

jeg går å legger meg. ÆSJ ALTSÅ.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Lavmåls bilder og kontraster

Because of the amount of complaints about the fact that I write in Norwegian from my Minnesota friends, I decided to write in english. At least once. I feel too mainstream when I do so, plus, I can't brag about my impressive vocabulary.
Concidered 0.05 % of the world population speaks norwegian, it is hardly an achievement to speak it well. Or is it? Maybe its cool to speak this mystical language fluently for others to hear (and perform dirty things to. No. Not really. Or yes.).

Other than that, I've been having some raging camwhore moments yet again. I haven't been taking pictures in a while, and since I am close to talentless... Well, the result is quite clear and disappointingly predictable.

This is kind of how I wanted my senior pictures though... Colorful and kinda quirky... : U

- Loulose